4K Resolution gives you a crystal-clear image, four times the resolution of HDTV 1080p cameras. The quality of the image will improve the view and the recording with detailed images. The technology Network Video Recorders with the automatic network replenishment will store the video data on an SD card from an IP camera when the network is disconnected. When the network is turning back on the NVR will automatically reclaim the video data on the SD card of the camera. The NVR features multiple fisheye dewarping modes to make viewing video easy whether its live or during playback. This NVR can detect and analyze objects in movement. Our algorithm enables Tripwire violations, intrusion detection, abandoned/missing objects and much more. Facilitate your viewing experience using on the edge analytics – one product, multiple features. This feature tracks any moving target automatically throughout the camera’s view. It’s perfect if you need to track a specific object in parking lots, airports, etc.