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Protect your customers and their business from fire hazards
Fire alarm control panels perform a wide range of lifesaving and property-protecting functions. Some panels can activate a fire-suppression system or fire sprinklers with some having a PA (Public Address) system used in conjunction with their other functions. All panels transmit signals to first responders alerting them of the hazard. These act as the messenger between the devices that watch out for and discover the hazards (detection) and the devices that alert occupants of hazards (notification).
Fire alarm control panels are a critical piece to life-safety systems and therefore are essential to protecting homes and businesses. There are several types of fire alarm control panels that have different purposes and are used based on install/building type, code, location, etc.
Choosing the right type of fire alarm system for an installation requires several considerations. One must consider the layout, type and size of the facility. The needs and requirements of a school or a hospital, for example, will vary significantly from the needs of a warehouse, an airport, or a restaurant or a residential building.
In addition, it is critical to understand code. Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) is the organization, office or individual responsible for enforcing the code requirements and standards. They are also responsible for the approval process whether that be materials, equipment, installation methods and more.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) publishes codes and standards with the intent to minimize the risk associated with fires and other emergencies. The latest code standard to date is the NFPA 72 Code. This standard, in addition to using the mass notification system for fire alarm systems, can also be used for notifying weather and nuclear emergencies, terrorist attacks and other warnings.
A fire alarm control panel has many different components but is ultimately the captain of the ship. It tells devices what to do and how to act using detection, notification and power functions. These functions are known to alert, notify and keep the system running during an emergency.
A complete fire alarm control system is both complex and sophisticated and requires a multitude of considerations to ensure the installation (both the equipment and process) meet code and fit the needs of the space. It must be inspected and tested regularly to keep all fire equipment working properly. Installing a fire protection system is a tedious approach and should be taken with careful precautions to save lives and prevent damage to the building and/or property.